The Loire Valley

I'm writing on the evening of our 2nd full day in France.  This morning we slept until 9 AM.  Thought that we were beginning to adjust nicely to the time change.  That was a nice thought.  Can't sleep, so I write.  It's 1 AM.
It has been a whirlwind 2 day's but I guess that's our style of traveling.  No napping on the beach with a sweet umbrella drink in our hand.  We hit the ground running.  We have visited 7 chateau's in 2 day's.  I didn't think we could do it but we did.  I'll give you a brief synopsis of the Chateau's that we visited, because I know you are, like me, only here for the food.
Chateau Amboise:
We are staying in Amboise, so we begin 3 blocks from the hotel.  Chateau Amboise,  was confiscated by the monarchy in the 15th century, it became a favoured royal residence and was extensively rebuilt. King Charles VIII died at the château in 1498 after hitting his head on a door lintel.  I'll let you Wikipedia the rest if you want more historic information.  Situated on the banks of the Loire river. 

I though that one of the most interesting things about this Chateau was it was the burial site of Leonardo da Vinci.

I've got some other interesting photos that I may post later on a flickr site.  More on that later.
Next on to Chateau Clos Lucé.  In 1516, Francis I invited Leonardo da Vinci to Amboise and provided him with the Clos Lucé, then called Château de Cloux, as a place to stay and work. Leonardo da Vinci lived the last 3 years of his life here and was buried in the Chapel in Chateau Amboise. 

Clos de Luce

This photo doesn't even begin to do it justice.  The size of this place is stupifying.  Built in the 1500's The château was built to act as a hunting lodge for François, however the king spent barely seven weeks there in total, comprising short hunting visits.  440 rooms, 282 fireplaces, and 84 staircases.    Exibit number on on why the proletariat rose up and started making the monarchy a foot shorter at the top during the French Revolution.  You need this to go hunting?  An we don't have bread??  Case closed.


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