Alexandre Bourdas, Sa Qua Na - Honfleur

The only one Michelin star restaurant in Honfleur, Alexandre Bourdas, Sa Qua Na - Honfleur.  A beautiful interior, somewhat stark, lots of Black with white lighting, very simple and elegant.  We chose the smaller of the two menu's as we are both getting close to food overload.  I just don't know how the French are not the most obese country in the world.  Maybe it's not great quality, multi course meals of unprocessed food here in France, but the 64 oz big gulps that have caused the US to be the most obese country in the world

This wine was fantastic, a 2009 white burgundy.

The amuse bouche, I don't have a great description of but it was a thin pastry crust surrounding baby artichokes and fennel.  

The cups had a couple of local mussels and red basil on a light custard. 

This was like a second amuse bouche, not on the menu.  It was like a deflated souffle, really perfectly cooked.  Very brown crispy on the edges.  There was a little sugar on the top edge that got crispy and carmelized.  Sweet was an interesting choice for one of the opening dishes but thoroughly delicious.

A steamed salmon from Isigny with gomasio, turnips, radish, mustards, grilled sardines and frothed olive oil.

A salted fillet of sea-bream with Colonnata bacon, fresh almonds, pointed head cabbage, meadow mushrooms & parsley flowers.

I  have to say that Linda had some issues with both of these fish dishes.  Both were just barely cooked.   It was interesting because they were both hot, but not cooked to the point where the fish flaked very much.  It was more reminisent to sashimi than a poached fish other than it was hot.  Hot sashimi.  I thought it was an interesting approach, tasty but not the most delicious fish that I had eve eaten.

A roasted white breast of farm chicken,button mushrooms, juice, emulsion of preserved lemon, swiss chard and chervil

This too was slightly pink in the middle but fantastic, expecially the pan juices in the middle.

A cake - Salted caramel & Cholocolate, fromage blanc & pinapple sorbet, cream, and hazelnut oil

This smelled fantastic when it was served.  Like a real chocolate cake just coming out of the oven. 

Another thing not on the menu, like a post dessert, pistachio profiteroles and some chocolate wrapped cream.  The cups were filled with great Cappuccino ice cream with cream.  


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